A new day dawns and the Sun raises its luminous face; the process of illumination begins anew. Every day brings a kind of parenthesis in the evolution of man and the planet. Day breaks glorious over the Earth, bestowing itself on the planet, asking nothing in return. For Love of Life IT GIVES ITSELF every day, staying its course, spreading its Loving Light so that all Life can grow and develop. This is the coming and going of the day, its uninterrupted rhythm, carried out with ever greater Love and Purity of Action. 
Your Sun, HELIOS-VESTA, gives you a daily example of obedience and Love. It shows you that within the kingdom of the Divine, all things are perfect and all action in accordance with a Plan established as part of the Order of the Light. So it is that all things are majestic in their expression. 
For you, HELIOS-VESTA is a physical sun that follows the same, uninterrupted path every day; an unremarkable kind of routine, you think, that never varies. Is that not so? But that is far from the truth. If the labor of HELIOS-VESTA was without Guidance or Order, what about the planet? Think and you’ll see that within the routine there is DIVINE ORDER, a perfect working, A COMMITMENT TO LIMITLESS SERVICE AND A LOVE SO GREAT WORDS ARE AT A LOSS TO DEFINE IT. Think about it and realize how petty man really is when having everything, he rejects the right with which he’s been invested to shine the Light on himself and his brother. 
THE LABOR of HELIOS-VESTA is a simple example of LOVE, ORDER and DISCIPLINE. It is said that "THE FATHER IS ORDER" and that is true when everyone does what he thinks he should, or rather, WHAT IN TRUTH HE MUST DO. For otherwise chaos is the result. 
Take to heart the example of HELIO-VESTA brothers, and sow it within so that the Sun of Love that lies in your bosom may grow. Nurture it by thinking that your destiny is the Light and your work is to spread the Light over the Earth. MAY YOU THUS BE A SUN OF LOVE BESTOWING YOURSELF EVERY DAY, LOVING EACH OTHER WITH EVERY ACT, WITH EVERY COMING AND GOING; Imagine the great good you’d do the Earth by sticking faithfully to this purpose. 
Oh brothers, sleep not, for every day is a chance to give a little Love to imprisoned Life, to give a little Love to yourselves, to give something back to the Earth by spreading Love to your brothers. Sleep not but every day look where to deposit Love; sleep not and pass on to the brother who needs it most, the Divine Light the FATHER-MOTHER poured out to you. 
Do not deny your presence the pleasure of spreading Love unto Life and or replenishing yourself while doing it. 
Brothers, day after day Life opens a parenthesis unto the Light over a part of itself; sustaining the Immaculate Conception of Creation in every Manifestation of Life. Take it as your example and do likewise. Do not look at the deformations caused by misqualifications of the Light, for they are but the dark reflections of things truly beautiful. Don’t mistake the shadow for the thing itself. Look within for the Light that shines in everyone. IT IS THERE, IMPRISONED; LOOK FOR IT. 
It is a conscious act of Love to refuse to see the filth that obscures the free expression of the Light. Look rather for the Immaculate Flame, the Flame of Purity that burns in your heart and in the heart of he who stands before you. You must place this concept before all others, it must prevail against all odds. Cling to it during your darkest moments. Only in this way can you achieve a momentum of Love, a Momentum of Purity in the brother on whom you have focused your attention. There is great need for this Service, for the Immaculate Conception must be sustained on the planet and in each of its inhabitants. To help those who seek your assistance, you must create a great Momentum of Divine Light. 
Center yourself in your heart, for the TRIPLE FLAME with its Divine Aspects of the ONE burns vigorously there; the virginal Purity enfolds you in its Divine Light. 
Brothers, each day before you stands those imprisoned parts of yourself and others demanding your help. Hold them within the Immaculate Conception of the light, love them, liberate them, loosen them like gusts of wind. Help to reinforce the Immaculate Conception, reaffirm it in the nucleus of every Creation, It is a Service of great magnitude, it is true Love of Life. Don’t let the shadows obscure your Internal Vision. Give your heart free rein through your Action and it will guide you every step of the way. Give the LIGHT the opportunity to COMMAND THROUGH YOU. 
The planet’s present situation demands that the Immaculate conception be upheld and radiated over the Earth. DO THIS PERFECTLY AWARE THAT "THE LIGHT NEVER FAILS." All you need do is let it BE, let it Express. Do this consciously, aware that the EVER PRESENT LIGHT of LOVE Is settling in the dark part, making way for Manifestation of the Divine 
PRESENCE. From this moment on, lift the veils that cloud your vision and behold yourself and every one of your brothers as you really are: PURE, DIVINE LIGHT, THE MANIFESTATION OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, THE MAGIC PRESENCE IN ACTION. 
Brothers, every day a parenthesis of Light opens onto you; take ALL THE PURITY AND BEAUTY THAT IT OFFERS and give it back to Life, multiplied many times over by the Love that beats in your heart. DECREE YOURSELF TO BE A CHANNEL FOR THE EXPRESSION OF THE DIVINE PRINCIPAL OF THE LIGHT. You’ll be able to keep to the Path once you understand that while on it, the Purity that radiates within you transmutes and elevates everything; the Internal vision that comes from that which you see. Take only the Light, LOVE IT FREELY and completely, bathe it in LOVE and return it to the Life around you. Give it back to every part of Nature that demands it and through you everything will be transmuted and elevated. 
You will stay on the Path once you understand that "I AM AT ONE WITH ALL OF YOU," that the Love I lavish on others is lavished from Me because "I AM LOVE IN ACTION". ONLY BY STARTING WITH THE PRINCIPLE OF UNITY AND INTEGRATION WITH THE "ALL", and by upholding the Pure and True that pulsates there, will you find the strength to stay on the Path. "I AM’ THE PATH AND ON IT I BUILD MYSELF DAY BY DAY; ON IT I ADVANCE DAY BY DAY. I cannot stop MYSELF because "I AM" the LIFE that needs to express ITSELF, that needs to continue ITS expression. 
Brothers, you have a daily appointment in the HEART CENTER. It is an appointment with the " I AM", with the WAY, with the LOVE and the LIFE that "I AM." I vibrate within your heart, I am born there and I give lavishly of Myself in accordance with the Law, I obey the Principle of Purity that SUSTAINS ME: "I AM" THE PATH that shelters you. "I AM" the LIFE that sustains you. "I AM THE LIGHT that guides you. "I AM" THE MATRIX that enfolds you. "I AM" THE DESIRE within you TO EXPRESS MYSELF, to blossom and multiply the Light, therefore ‘I AM THAT I AM." 
I pulsate the Immaculate Light that radiates within you every day; the Light that sustains your body: UPHOLD THIS LIGHT AND LET IT SHINE AS " I AM." 

By the IMMACULATE PRESENCE in all of you,