From the Magic Circle emanating from the Flame, the I AM Presence wishes you to receive His Light. The Path enfolds you like children who, having learned to walk, do so hesitantly, then with ever greater strength and confidence. 
To live consciously and know that you all have a role to play and must play it to perfection, is your Goal. 
As a group, take conscious steps toward achieving what you propose. The black race pulsating within calls you to Service, and through it, Freedom from the darkness that envelops you. To accede with Love to that call, and to prepare to answer it, fully carrying out the requisites of divine Liberty, must give you strength. Recognize this as the road you must travel, and accept the commitment with Love. You are responsible for the steps you take, and since you are already acting within the Will of the ONE and His divine workings, it is to be assumed your steps are conscious, that you have full knowledge of the reasons of your actions. 
You will soon have the answer as to How and When, for just as you each represent a pillar with a specific function, you all have to direct energy to Africa-conscious of the How, waiting for the When in keeping with your surrender 
And shall I tell you How? How is through the Perfect Channeling of your sexual energies. You must understand that Africa is a dark world of sex and its dark possession pulsates within you. You must assimilate, you must work on it consciously. All the hidden forces that you posses lie in that world and you must control every one. This is the Path of "Initiation after Initiation", and as your willingness to Serve grows, the part requiring your Service is made known. This is a world you travel, conscious of its being a delicate path, a world where a veil is lifted for every triumph over the elemental "I" entrapped there. Each step is like hanging from a thread, for this is the dark world of Africa, the Path of Purity, and it is your Initiating Road. 
If you think to ‘Serve’ just means Loving what you can see, you are wrong, for you cannot see the roots, and that is the source of the problem. Be well aware of the dark underpinning world within you, a world none enters and of which few are even aware - or don’t want to be - for to lift this veil is to reveal the reason for the fall. This is your Achilles Heel and you all have it, just as you have all consigned it to your darkest part for fear of it. But there it is, pulsating, and when it breaks open, horror and repentance will gush forth. 
Children, be aware that while you each fell for a specific reason, you all carry the initial Fall within where it pulsates aspiring to be elevated and again manifest the initial Purity. 
When Africa is named as sex including all that this implies, accept that your roots are there, for that has always been your downfall. Work on this so you can later face the consequences of your lack of control and of actions that led you into the world of darkness where every being is now entrapped. 
How can you help others if you still have that destructive seed within yourself? Isn’t it true that evil must be eradicated at the roots? Children, the answers will become more and more clear. Go to the roots knowing you go to retrieve the most precious of jewels, for there, trapped in the darkness, is your Light. Do not scorn the urges that arise along the way for they are but warnings manifesting to remind you of what the trap is made of, and of where you are most vulnerable. 
This Path is for conscious Beings, for individuals willing to find the Lost Light and impose order on the chaos strangling Life. So children, recognize that just as Adam and Eve gave in to temptation, so did you; and you’ve allowed it in such strength that it now possesses you entirely. Do you think that invocations alone can transmute it? No! Something "practical" led to your downfall and repeated practice has led to ever greater dependency. Now you can only restore your enslaved cells to the Light through conscious practice, by pouring Love out over them. 
Only through conscious Love and surrender can you complete your task of elevating sexual energy to the plane of conscious action, and the conscious surrender of its Light to Divine Work. 
Every time you feel desire for Love, deal with it consciously; use your higher consciousness. 
When you were told not to eat meat, not to feed off animals but let them evolve on their own, you were also being told to transmute sex to be conscious that the animal imprisoned within cries out for Freedom, for a conscious effort that will release it into the Light. It evolves through its contemplation of the beauty of a couple in Balanced Rhythmic Exchange, in Conscious Love and surrender, and the Elevation of that energy to the I AM Presence. 
The Presence of the guides manifests maximum interest in your efforts vis-a-vis this work. You must start elevating your imprisoned parts, you must go down into the pit and return with your Divine energy radiant as the sun. Worlds of shadows will be lifted to the Light and the night encircling the Being shall be bright as a jewel in the Light. 
Children of the ONE, hear and understand: the fall is the results of believing that sexual penetration released the Light and with it came control of the underlying world of the genitals. This error led you to the pit in which you now find yourself. I say to you: you now have the chance to elevate those parts with Purity and only through Purity can you bring into the Light the beings imprisoned there and ascend. 
The conscious rejection of the beast within must take place now, for when you decide to manifest the Glory of the Being, you close the door to sex but open them to Love. Work with Love on that which groans and cries out, apply Love to that which clamors. 
Penetration leads to ejaculation and the spilling of the Light. To abstain is to allow your sperm to accumulate a great deal of Light which, when elevated consciously to the higher spheres to the world of Light, draws to itself those dark worlds that clamor for this Light vibrating with Life. 
Be conscious that the world you must form is one of Purity and total surrender. It is one of conscious Service - indeed to elevate the energy so it can be replenished in the Light, you must be conscious. 
Woman is the Cup, or receptacle, that receives man’s emanation through her body and when full, she surrenders her cup, pulsating with Light, to the Presence. Elevate her, so that when she and her charge are blessed, the dark worlds are Blessed also. 
Woman is the chalice lifted up to commune with the Presence, she then brings it filled with Love to he who clamors for Freedom. All this is within you; it is the starting point, the knot throttling the Being. Therefore, with every conscious act of true Love you bring worlds of darkness into the Light. 
The couple as a visible Manifestation of Unity must bring Life to the fallen worlds; each has formed there a being that needs to express externally in Perfection and Purity. That fallen being is the son, both have perverted the sexual act, with the spilling of Divine Energy. Now conscious of this, every couple must work consciously to elevate that part bringing that son into the Light, bathed in the Conscious Action of the Divine Will. They must be willing to attract those worlds of darkness through Love, and in an act of Will lift them to the ONE Source. 
For the Unity you are, I say to you: every pillar has a specific function that is glorified when you consciously elevate the energy pulsating in your genes through conscious Love, through the Conscious Act of Making Love, when you elevate it through loving the darkness that pulsates there. We do not call it sex, we call it Balanced Rhythmic Exchange, Conscious Love, Union, divine Marriage. We call it Surrender to Life and the Light. We call it communion with the Light on the Sacred Altar of Being for it is an Act of Pure and Divine Communion, it is union with the Light Essence trapped by the fall. Climb the ladder going Home rung by rung, aware that your task is to Love the darkness, and as a gift of Love, carries its beautiful Light to the ONE Presence. 
Enough of sexual perversion. Make Conscious Love and replenish yourself with the Glorious Light that Life awarded you for Impersonal Divine Service. Only in this way can you take the reins of Power and go to the outer part where the world in your genes manifests. Know that herein is Africa, and for Love of it you must work to Love every Manifestation of that world of darkness where the Being is imprisoned. 
For the Glory you carry in your Being and the Light that pulsates to be Freed, take this message to every pillar so that the Central Receptor can arrange for the conditions appropriate to the expression and reception of the divine Energy you are to Liberate. 
Woman, prepare yourself so that your Cup may be lifted in Holy Communion and its Light offered for Divine Unction with Life. 
May Divine Love fill you with Its Glorious Light and deliver you into the arms of the I AM through Its conscious Manifestation.